Examples of political leaders include: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Nelson class on the causes and effects of political machines. Explain your reasoning. The Nigeria-Biafra war alone saw to the loss of over 6 million lives. It is downright scary to contemplate what Ukraine will look like if this war drags on for a few more years. A politically unstable nation cannot be free of conflicts as it is the duty of government to restore law and order in a country. Climate change, coupled with water mismanagement and overconsumption, is causing droughts and water shortages across many parts of the globe. Dependence on the West/East: Africa as a continent consistently depends on the West and East for survival. In conclusion, though conflicts are unavoidable, they can be resolved amicably and the negative effects greatly minimized. The negative effect of politics ponders over the people and they are drawn to the fearful side where the RTI cannot be used by a common man. This quite nicely promotes the equality idea that we work on. Also see: How to become a successful business entrepreneur. Not only foes this promotes corruption, but also granting of power to undeserving leaders. Africa as a continent has seen lots of conflicts and she still witnesses conflicts in various dimensions till this day. As The UN put it in a report released just last week: The ripple effects of the conflict are extending human suffering far beyond its borders. : an American History (Eric Foner), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), PS 7 - Public Communication and Political Debate, PS 8 - The History of Political Violence and Causes and Effects, PS 9 - Political Ideology and its Effects, PS 11 - Legislative Studies in Political Science, Elements of Intercultural Communication (COM-263), Biology 2 for Health Studies Majors (BIOL 1122), Organizational Theory and Behavior (BUS 5113), Nursing Process IV: Medical-Surgical Nursing (NUR 411), Professional Presence and Influence (D024), Organizational Theory and Behavior (BUS5113), Preparation For Professional Nursing (NURS 211), Managing Organizations and Leading People (C200 Task 1), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), ECO 201 - Chapter 2 Thinking like economist part 1, ECO 201 - Chapter 2 Thinking like an economist part 2, Lesson 5 Plate Tectonics Geology's Unifying Theory Part 1, Untitled document - WRD 111 It should be noted that political philosophy is not only for the past, but also for This is the full text of a speech given on June 16 by John J. Mearsheimer at the European Union Institute (EUI) and published by The National Interest under the headline "The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine Crisis." Some tribes find themselves in two or more countries. Tribalism and ethnicity have caused some of the greatest fratricidal wars ever witnessed on the continent. Answered. 2021-22, CWV-101 T3 Consequences of the Fall Contemporary Response Worksheet 100%, Summary Give Me Liberty! At December 31, 2014, the company declared a$105,000 cash dividend. So many Africans die attempting to cross the Sahara desert and Mediterranean Sea into Europe for search of greener pastures. In his words: Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all red lines for the Russian elite (not just Putin). Let me now turn to the real cause of the Ukraine crisis. Political Instability: Greed and the insatiable desire to cling to power have caused political unrest and instability in many African nations. My central claim is that the United States has pushed forward policies toward Ukraine that Putin and other Russian leaders see as an existential threat, a point they have made repeatedly for many years. Your email address will not be published. So many lives are lost during wars. Thank you. Propaganda is The main reason for my pessimism is that both Russia and the United States are deeply committed to winning the war and it is impossible to fashion an agreement where both sides win. Political systems can have a significant impact on the nature of I might note that in all of Putins public statements during the months leading up to the war, there is not a scintilla of evidence that he was contemplating conquering Ukraine and making it part of Russia, much less attacking additional countries in eastern Europe. 2. These founder effects could be good for economic development. Loss of Lives and Properties: Conflicts in Africa have led to the loss of millions of lives and properties. None can conquer a people effortlessly without an effective collaboration from within. Each year, total renewable water resources per inhabitant is estimated at about. Indeed, at the Bucharest Summit, both German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozyopposedmoving forward on NATO membership for Ukraine because they understood it would alarm and anger Russia. Northerners thought slavery was the There are many causes of conflicts in Africa. However, where there are conflicting interests, this causes a break in the relationship and may lead to the formation of cliques and alliances. Since there are both positive and negative effects of Politics on a country and society. WebThe excessive use of alcohol is responsible for a significant number of deaths each year. Furthermore, relations between Russia and the West have been so thoroughly poisoned that it will take many years to repair them. North Korea operates under a single-party socialist dictatorship system. Russian forces have conquered 20 percent of Ukrainian territory and destroyed or badly damaged many Ukrainian cities and towns. In both cases, Americans wanted to know how their country could have miscalculated so badly. On September 1, 2021, Zelensky visited the White House, where Bidenmade it clearthat the United States was firmly committed to Ukraines Euro-Atlantic aspirations. Then on November 10, 2021, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba,signedan important documentthe US-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership. The aim of both parties, the document stated, is to underscore a commitment to Ukraines implementation of the deep and comprehensive reforms necessary for full integration into European and Euro-Atlantic institutions. That document explicitly builds not just on the commitments made to strengthen the Ukraine-U.S. strategic partnership by Presidents Zelensky and Biden, but also reaffirms the U.S. commitment to the 2008 Bucharest Summit Declaration.. Urbanisation and an exponential increase in freshwater demand for households are both driving factors behind water shortages, especially in regions with a precarious water supply., For example in 2018, Cape Town, South Africa experienced a water crisis and became the first modern city to effectively run out of drinking water as a result of extreme drought, poor water resource management and overconsumption.. No matter how one tries to see modern day conflicts in Africa, one cannot separate such conflicts from external influences. Egypt could resort to military action to protect its water resources., Water has recently joined gold, oil and other commodities that can be traded on Wall Street, prompting fears that the market could dramatically further exacerbate the effects of water shortage and increase competition.. There is little chance, however, that Kyiv will push for neutralization, because the ultra-nationalists in Ukraine, who wield significant political power, have zero interest in yielding to any of Russias demands, especially one that dictates Ukraines political alignment with the outside world. Families are struggling to buy and secure food as a result, while high malnutrition rates are occurring across the region. Africa, though richly blessed, is still largely dependent on foreign nations for solutions to her myriads of problems. But that outcome is unacceptable to the Biden administration and a large portion of the American foreign policy establishment, because it would represent a victory for Russia. These efforts eventually sparked a major crisis in February 2014, after a US-supported uprising caused Ukraines pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych to flee the country. Aside from the obvious threat to public health, the subsequent effects of water shortage can vary from food insecurity to increased human conflicts, When the interests of various people are in common, the relationship is sure to go smoothly without hitches. We promise, no spam! exercise power and make decisions within a political system. The two nations have clashed over the control of, upstream water barrages and infrastructure projects. WebThe purpose of a political machine is to take advantage of culture shock. Today, around 70% of freshwater withdrawals go into agriculture, from irrigation and pesticide to fertiliser application and sustaining livestock. Material delays have routinely limited production of household sinks to 400 units per day. She has not been able to develop herself. This is nothing but a result of negative politics when leaders try to use politics as a reason to draw in all the money for themselves. 5. I will address three specific issues: 1) the consequences of the war for Ukraine; 2) the prospects for escalationto include nuclear escalation; and 3) the prospects for ending the war in the foreseeable future. Greed makes African leaders accept deals from their paymasters just to remain in power or be in power. The case of Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso comes to mind. and Friedrich Nietzsche. Although someassertthat he frequently lies and cannot be trusted, there is little evidence of him lying to foreign audiences. They were a product of the More than 6.5 million Ukrainianshave fledthe country, while more than 8 million have been internally displaced. Specifically, I am talking about Americas obsession with bringing Ukraine into NATO and making it a Western bulwark on Russias border. To deal with this growing threat, Putin stationed ever-increasing numbers of Russian troops on Ukraines border between February 2021 and February 2022. All rights reserved. Dynasty politics One of the most negative things about politics is that it follows the dynasty nature. ideologies. Over time, other countries can get dragged into the fight and the level of violence is likely to increase. Economy, demographics, military metrics and morekey quantitative data on Russia and its peers around the world. https%3A%2F%2Fearth.org%2Fcauses-and-effects-of-water-shortage%2F. Political philosophy can shape the way individuals and societies Right to Vote It is because of the political system that in India, every person above 18 years of age holds an equal right to vote regardless of their caste or creed. Water mismanagement and climate change are exacerbating these diplomatic tensions; The Himalayan Glaciers, which feed the Indus Basin, are predicted to diminish further in the coming year and deplete groundwater recharge in the long run. Although Polish authorities dealt withthese events, they served as a reminder that intervention might be necessary. Leaders have the spirit of sit-tightism as they do not want to relinquish power even when the people they are ruling have shown their displeasure over their rule. Given the sad state of Russian military power, Moscow was in no position to pursue revanchist policies in eastern Europe. A typical example is the Niger Delta conflicts in Nigeria. Even though Russian leaders made it perfectly clear that bringing Ukraine into NATO would be crossing the brightest of red lines, the United States refused to accommodate Russias deepest security concerns and instead moved relentlessly to make Ukraine a Western bulwark on Russias border. But does the whole political scenario always does good for a country? Even so, some supporters of this policyarguethat Moscow should not have been concerned, because NATO is a defensive alliance and poses no threat to Russia. But that is not how Putin and other Russian leaders think about NATO and it is what they think that matters. Putins logic should make perfect sense to Americans, who have long been committed to the Monroe Doctrine, which stipulates that no distant great power is allowed to place any of its military forces in the Western Hemisphere. These descendant effects are likely bad for development. Defeat is unacceptable. His aim was to coerce Biden and Zelensky into altering course and halting their efforts to integrate Ukraine into the West. A political machine is an organization controlled by a powerful boss or group of people who enjoy the support of a section of the population (Tuckel & Maisel 100-101). According to a respected Russian journalist, Putin flew into a rage, and warned that if Ukraine joins NATO, it will do so without Crimea and the eastern regions. The Bush administration, however, cared little about Moscows brightest of red lines and pressured the French and German leaders to agree to issuing a public pronouncement declaring that Ukraine and Georgia would eventually join the alliance. Theres no sharing of ideas or insights and both are unaware of each others actions or needs. But its true that this very system allows them to do corruption. This solution is the will power of the African to change the narrative. Today, around 70% of freshwater withdrawals go into agriculture, from irrigation and pesticide to fertiliser application and sustaining livestock. It is not likely, but certainly possible that American or maybe Polish troops would get pulled into the fighting, which means NATO would literally be at war with Russia. It is hard to imagine Moscow voluntarily giving up any of the Ukrainian territory it now occupies, much less all of it, as Putins territorial goals today are probably not the same ones he had before the war. The UN warns should the situation worsens, it will spark a humanitarian crisis., You might also like: Water Crisis in South Africa: Causes, Effects, And Solutions, One of the biggest effects of water shortage is that it prompts increased competition between water users, thus potentially sparking conflicts, which could potentially put millions of lives at risk.. Global warming, where temperatures in the glacial region rose by 3- 3.5C over the past half-century, has, , causing glacial run-off into the Yangtze to be reduced by, of running out of water due to poor water management. Simply put, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine is a colossal disaster, which as I noted at the start of my talk, will lead people all around the world to search for its causes. Political Machines were orgainizations that provided social services and jobs in exchange foir votes. The machines were run by a boss who in turn had precinct captains, ward captains and district captains underneath him. All of them made sure that the poor has what they needed. They also made sure the poor voted for them! Moreover, there is a serious possibility that one side will begin to lose badly. Drought is a, in which dry conditions and lack of precipitation whether it is rain, snow or sleet occur over certain areas for a period of time., These conditions also create the perfect breeding ground for wildfires, further fuelling drought season and water stress. WebIn the neighborhoods under Tweeds influence, citizens knew their immediate problems would be addressed in return for their promise of political support in future elections. In his July 12, 2021,articleabout Russian-Ukrainian relations, which proponents of the conventional wisdom often point to as evidence of his imperial ambitions, he tells the Ukrainian people, You want to establish a state of your own: you are welcome! Regarding how Russia should treat Ukraine, he writes, There is only one answer: with respect. He concludes that lengthy article with the following words: And what Ukraine will beit is up to its citizens to decide. It is hard to reconcile these statements with the claim that he wants to incorporate Ukraine within a greater Russia. The Soviet Union maintained a huge military presence in that region and was involved in the politics of almost every country located there. WebPolitical Machine Examples. Political leadership refers to the individuals or groups who hold or Political philosophy encompasses a wide range of ideas and theories, Africa remains the continent with the poorest nations despite her huge endowment. He is delivering on that promise. Obviously, both sides cannot win. In that event, there would be great pressure on the United States and its allies to get even more deeply involved in the fighting. Political ideologies can shape an individual's or group's views on issues At the same time, it is equally hard to imagine any Ukrainian leader accepting a deal that allows Russia to keep any Ukrainian territory, except possibly Crimea. They also concluded that wet regions are expected to get wetter while dry regions will get drier., In China for example, the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers are two major water resources that support the country. This targeted Boosting helps us to reach wider audiences aiming to convince the unconvinced, to inform the uninformed, to enlighten the dogmatic. The preferred stock is cumulative, and the company did not pay a dividend in each of the two previous years. power, and the rights and freedoms of citizens. The Bush administration was the principal architect of that fateful choice, but the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations have doubled down on that policy at every turn and Americas allies have dutifully followed Washingtons lead. We provide a simple model that explains why polarization appears incrementally and why it was elites who polarized first and more dramatically, whereas mass polarization came later and has been less Corruption is a constant in the society and occurs in all civilizations; however, it has only been in the past 20 years that this phenomenon has begun being seriously explored. Consequently, precious water resources get contaminated, resulting in less freshwater and drinking water available., You might also like: 4 Countries with Water Scarcity in 2022, The United Nations states that having free access to freshwater is a basic human right. Again, countless number of Africans die in a bid to escape from conflict prone areas. In Greed and Insatiable Desire for Wealth: The African especially the leaders in the continent has an insatiable desire for wealth. Relatedly, it is important to note that NATO expansion before February 2014 was not aimed at containing Russia. Their greed pushes them to mortgage the future of the continent to foreign powers. government, the rights and freedoms of citizens, and the distribution of Other Russian leadersincluding the defense minister, the foreign minister, the deputy foreign minister, and the Russian ambassador to Washingtonalso emphasized the centrality of NATO expansion for causing the Ukraine crisis. What kind of effects would it then be resurrecting on a country? The Rwadan genocide saw to the loss of over 1 Until 1936, Britain had administered the Palestine Mandate in the light of a In fact, the Russian leader was an invited guest to the April 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest where the alliance announced that Ukraine and Georgia would eventually become members. In short, there is little doubt that starting in early 2021 Ukraine began moving rapidly toward joining NATO. Albania, Romania, and Yugoslavia routinely caused Moscow trouble,butSoviet leaders tended to tolerate their misbehavior, because their location made them less important for deterring NATO. Water pollution can come from a number of sources, including sewage and wastewater , of the worlds wastewater flows back into the environment without being treated, and agricultural and industrial runoff, where pesticides and toxic chemicals leach into the groundwater and nearby freshwater systems. To be more specific, the key to a settlement from Russias perspective is making Ukraine a neutral state, ending the prospect of integrating Kyiv into the West. America's largest cities hosted political machines whose deeds resulted in scandals and prison sentences. The Looming Colorado Water Shortage Crisis. Here are the main causes and effects of water shortage and what we can do about it. It is difficult to say precisely how events will play out if this scenario comes to pass, but there is no question there will be serious potential for escalation, to include nuclear escalation. In order to maintain power, political machines grew desperate. Polarization is both a description of the current state of politics and a dynamic path that has rippled across the political domain over decades. China operates under a one-party socialist system with Chinese Families are struggling to buy and secure food as a result, while high malnutrition rates are occurring across the region. Water pollution already kills more people each year than war and all other forms of violence combined. At a broader level, India has been in conflict with its neighbouring country of Pakistan over water disputes, among other political issues. Todays Russia will respond. As we only have, of the Earths freshwater accessible to us, human activity is actively threatening our own water resources. To take this argument a step further, Putin and other Russian leaders surely understand from the Cold War that occupying counties in the age of nationalism is invariably a prescription for never-ending trouble. Also see: Major Barriers to effective communication. Aside from the obvious threat to public health, the subsequent effects of water shortage can vary from food insecurity to increased human conflicts, highlighting the importance of protecting global water resources and using them sustainably. So, what are the prospects for negotiating a peace agreement and ending the war in the next few months? The World Bank estimates that Ukraines economy will shrink by almost 50 percent over the course of 2022. The United States is not seriously interested in finding a diplomatic solution to the war, which means the war is likely to drag on for months if not years. There is a popular saying that when brothers fight, the stranger benefits. for decades, which regulated water flow into Pakistan. In fact, the Western response to the events of 2014 was to double down on the existing strategy and draw Ukraine even closer to NATO. Imperialist and Neo-Colonialist Agenda: Africa is independent, only to the extent of her being able to rule over herself politically. Conflicts in Africa from internal and external forces alike have had damaging effects on the continent and her people. What if the leaders arent worth it? Political philosophers may be motivated by a desire to improve society The strategy was set in motion at NATOs annual summit in Bucharest in April 2008, when the allianceannouncedthat Ukraine and Georgia will become members. Russian leaders responded immediately with outrage, making it clearthatthey saw thisdecisionas an existential threat, and they had no intention of letting either country join NATO. Given that the United States and its NATO allies played a crucial role in the events that led to the Ukraine warand are now playing a central role in the conduct of that warit is appropriate to evaluate the Wests responsibility for this calamity. characteristics. 1. Putin made numerous public statements during this period that left no doubt that he viewed NATO expansion into Ukraine as an existential threat. immigrants supported political machines because they provided them with jobs and other favors. On December 17, 2021, Moscow sent separate letters to the Biden administration and NATOdemandinga written guarantee that: 1) Ukraine would not join NATO, 2) no offensive weapons would be stationed near Russias borders, and 3) NATO troops and equipment moved into eastern Europe since 1997 would be moved back to western Europe. Al Shabab in Somalia and Islamic State West African Province (ISWAP) in West Africa are groups fronting religion as the reason for their attacks. Setting a price on the votes, they are easily bought and favored under with the help of a few pricy notes. Second, the Biden administration has reacted to the outbreak of war by doubling down against Russia. In essence, Washington played the central role in leading Ukraine down the path to destruction. The Maitatsine Riots in the 1980s, Kaduna Religious Riots, Jos Crises, and even the Boko Haram insurgency. If this behavior is all part of a giant deception campaign, it would be without precedent in recorded history. Migrants eventually induce social, economic, and political problems in receiving countries, including 1) increases in the population, with adverse effects on existing social institutions; 2) increases in demand for goods and services; 3) displacement of nationals from occupations in the countryside and in the cities; 4 . This worrying trend is causing many to pose the question: are we running out of water?, The short answer is yes, primarily driven by climate change and global population growth. Alcohol also increases aggression level for most people which also increases the probability of brawls and their adverse effects. The poor I have witnessed this phenomenon twice in my lifetimefirst with the Vietnam war and second with the Iraq war. Also see: Major Reasons Why women dont participate in politics. The same is true of Putins statement that he views Russians and Ukrainians as one people with a common history. This is the case with Africa as her fight is usually the gold mine for the rest of the world. For starters, one of my principal findings is that leaders do not lie much to each other; they lie more often to their own publics. The graft is to benefit the city boss. 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WebDisadvantage Corrupt (shady characters aka Boss Tweed) Advantage Helped immigrants adjust to city life Disadvantage Used illegal methods to get votes Advantage Gave This is however not to say that Africans themselves do not have any iota of blame in the conflicts ravaging the continent. Putins opposition to that announcement had hardly any effect on Washington because Russia was judged to be too weak to stop further NATO enlargement, just as it had been too weak to stop the 1999 and 2004 waves of expansion. Professor Parsons, BMGT 364 Planning the SWOT Analysis of Silver Airways, Module One Short Answer - Information Literacy, Time Value of Money Practice Problems and Solutions, Philippine Politics and Governance W1 _ Grade 11/12 Modules SY.
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