our lady of compassion feast day

1. You are a second and more blessed Eve. You became a victim and holocaust to the divine will, the Queen of Martyrs, the most perfect imitator of the Victim of Calvary. Merit and glory attend your name. He found joy in God, His Heavenly Father, and in the Holy Spirit, joy in all the wonderful perfections of God. Realizing that your consent had been made a necessary condition for the accomplishment of the great mystery of the Incarnation, you made the supreme act of obedience and faith when you said, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word." On the day of Pentecost the Apostles' worldly views about the Kingdom of God on earth were banished by the Spirit of God, and holiness replaced their imperfections, but no-taint of the slightest sin had to be removed from your virginal soul. Figures below show what proportion of half-day sessions were missed by pupils and how this compares to local and national averages. I am happy at the thought that you, a human creature, have escaped completely from the clutches of Satan, that born of a race universally tainted, you are more pure and more brilliant than the most sublime of the angels; and that you are my Mother. I thank God for the great glory He has bestowed upon you for which all generations shall call you blessed. Help us to heed your message of Fatima so that by penance and prayer, especially the Rosary, we may appease the just anger of God and obtain His forgiveness and blessing. We ask you to procure for us, by your prayers the great grace of final perseverance so that those who are joined to honor you in the kingdom of your Son on earth may be together always in heaven. Though you did not pay even the smallest part of our debt, you cooperated in His work by the entire union of your will with His. Never before did angel greet man with the word "Hail, full of grace." Mary, My Mother, God has willed that you should distribute His graces because you far surpass all other creatures in holiness: you are the masterpiece of His creation, who more than all the others honored and loved Him during your life; because you are the one whom He has chosen to be the Mother of His Son, and because you have been, according to the Divine Plan, associated with Jesus in the work of Redemption. I consecrate myself entirely to your Immaculate Heart. For my proud nature, humility is most difficult to practise. It is from you alone that Christ took His human nature. 3. Then, through your compassion be pleased to send down to us, your poor servants, a rich abundance of your graces and blessing. By your love of God and of His adopted sons, you aided the Apostles in the spread of Christ's Kingdom on earth. Though you prophesied that all generations would call you blessed, you attributed all holiness to God. You were not to raise up children unto Godnot ordinary offspring, but a Child, the Son of God! You called yourself the servant of Him who for thirty years would be subject to you. But you needed the redeeming Savior to obtain this exemption, and deliverance from the universal debt of being subject to original sin. Your Heart, Blessed Mother, is always conformable to Our Lord's will. I realize that it is the command of God that I take ordinary care to insure bodily health. You found the cross very heavy during the three years of His public life, for then He had to leave your side that He might be "about His Father's business,"the sanctification and salvation of souls. Copyright 2023 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama. You could not of yourself provide the protection and training the Child needed. Mary, My Mother, you associated yourself with the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus in order that you might share in His glorification. Through your prayers may they and their children honor God by a virtuous life so as to be worthy of a heavenly reward. 2. The divine maternity explains everything in you; without this maternity nothing in you can be explained. I have but to ask for them for the salvation of my soul. You, who were yourself the Queen of Prophets, saw that from that moment "the sword of sorrow" would enter your soul and remain there during the rest of your days. All your trials and sufferings are now transformed into jewels that decorate your triumphal throne in Heaven. Coming from the Latin words cum and patior, compassion means to suffer. How much more compassionate are you now since you reign happily in Heaven? Even from the days of the Apostles you were honored under this mystical title. The more your humility was tried, the more lowly you became in your own estimation. Mary, My Mother, from your early years you adored the one true God in the Temple at Jerusalem. Thus an angel appeared to Joseph and said, "Do not be afraid, Joseph, son of David, to take to thee Mary thy wife, for that which is begotten in her is of the Holy Spirit. 2. Mary, Mother of God, because of your influence in obtaining helpful remedies against spiritual and bodily maladies, the Church calls you the "Health of the Sick." You had a Heart of love from which in the course of time was to be formed the Sacred Heart of the loving Christ. Intense love for the Infinite God withdrew your soul from this earthly life, and caused you death. R. Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord! You had a share in that work; it was part of your life-work. But this prophecy did not disturb your peace of mind because your will was one with the will of God. The feast day of Our Lady of Compassion is every 15th of September. In your apparitions at Fatima you revealed that it is in the designs of the Divine Mercy to cure the world through your Heart. Protect, guard, and keep them in holy fear, in peace, and in harmony of Christian charity. How much I worry about my physical health! According to earthly standards, nothing could be added to your fullness of grace. You would have shown your grief as mothers do by sobs and tears. Infirmities of the body, patiently endured, may become the occasion of great merit. It is still . Our Lady of Compassion Our Lady of Compassion (Nuestra Senora de la Piedad) The convent of Our Lady of La Piedad dates back to the year 1595. You were trained there with other girls, under the care of holy women, and with deepest reverence you assisted at the sacred functions. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Virgin most pure because you are the Immaculate Conception. Evening Prayer to Our Blessed Mother 1. Through your prayers, may Jesus make me live of His life through sanctifying and actual grace. Mary, Mother of God, since you are the Mother of Jesus Christ, you are the Mother of Grace as well. When He changed the water to wine, He did your bidding as God, since as man He could not perform miracles. Mary, My Mother, the Heart of Jesus was a generous Heart, symbolized by the wound in His side from which came forth the last drops of His Heart's Blood shed for us, and by which w e can reach the treasures of that Divine Heart. According to God's eternal standards, the sanctity proclaimed by Gabriel when he called you "full of grace," was but the beginning of your wonderful growth in holiness. I trust that through you I shall obtain the help I need to keep the commandments, avoid sin, receive the Sacraments frequently, pray much and save my soul. 25. At the very instant of your conception your mind was filled with the light of God, and your will was entirely conformed to the divine will. 1. You know all our needsneeds of body and needs of soulinfinitely better than a mother. The husband whom God has destined for you was a man of faith of character, of purity, "a just man." Each event of the sorrowful drama of His sufferings was a sword that pierced your motherly heart. Having heard the prophecy of your Son's suffering, you almost rejoiced to hear that you would share His suffering. Your Heart remained spotless as a lily, and you are, therefore, justly called the "Queen of Virgins. You were taken to Heaven by the power of God, accompanied and upheld by the angels, raised aloft by grace, not by nature. The foundation of this doctrine is to be found in Sacred Scripture where we are taught that God, the Creator of all things, after the sad fall of Adam, addressed the serpent in words which the Church applies to you, "I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed; she shall crush thy head" (Gen. 3.15). You are the morning star,the morning star that announces the arrival of the sun of justice. Those words include us all. If the honor of parents descends upon their children, what glory and joy for all of us, your children, to see you raised to such heights of glory! You could not accompany the Apostles while they fulfilled the duties of their ministry, but in silence and solitude, by the power of your prayers and the fervor of your charity, you were the master-missionary of them all. Each time Jesus becomes present in the hands of the priest, the Life given to us by the words of consecration comes originally from. With you all is pure, virginal, immaculate In you there is no inclination to evilno impure thoughts or desires. The Scriptures refer to you and Joseph as "the parents of Jesus." Bless the work of those who spend themselves to bring souls to your loving Son. Jesus did this in union with you. This privilege separated you from all the rest of the children of Adam. 1. As you are powerful to obtain and provide, you are merciful to pardon. Look with pity on me for in You is my hope. Great must have been the childlike reverence and respect with which you watched over your every action and which preserved you from ever displeasing the Divine Wisdom. Though deprived of the joy of His actual presence, you were more intimately united with Him than ever through your sacrificial love, since your will was one with His. Preserve their faith, assailed at every hour by the forces opposed to Christ. You know that you are the well-beloved Daughter of the Father, you embrace the Son; you are united to the Holy Spirit with a simplicity, a confidence, and a delicacy of love which belong to you alone, for in you alone there cannot be the remembrance of a moment in which you were opposed to God. The pangs of this childbirth were the sufferings you felt on Calvary. Through you my own goal becomes more real, more attainable, for the lessons of your life are the doors to eternal peace and happiness. Mary, My Mother, in all infirmities of body and soul, you are a sure refuge and relief. He made you immaculate in view of the fact that Jesus Christ, the God-man, was to take His Flesh and Blood from you. By granting them these graces you have performed a work of the apostolate. Let me never esteem worldly wisdom so highly as to pay but little attention to the principles of that wisdom which is from heaven and which alone can make me truly wise and happy. You were the first Chalice of the Blood of Jesus for Our Lord dwelt in you during the nine months of expectation as in a kind of ciborium. You are the channel by which all the favors of Jesus descend upon us, even as it was through you and in union with you that during His mortal life He won for us whatever title we have to His gifts and graces. Our Lady of Sorrows: Compassion Unlimited. You are Queen because you are the Mother of the Word Incarnate. But much as your compassionate heart sympathizes with man's sufferings from bodily sickness, you certainly show greater care to relieve the spiritual sickness and weaknesses under which we labor. How unimportant are the infirmities of the body compared to the infirmities of the soul! Being filled with light from Heaven, you have shed brightness upon the whole world, by giving birth to the Eternal Light, Our Lord Jesus Christ, although still remaining in the glory of your virginity. You learned to read the sacred books by yourself and tried to penetrate their hidden meaning. I believe that all graces and heavenly favors flow to the Mystical Body of Christ as from the Head, but you are the channel, through which, by God's will, all graces come to humanity. From Anne you heard the touching story of the chosen people. It is your Son who abides with me in the tabernacle as the best Friend I have in this world, who offers Himself to the Father for me as the Victim of Calvary at Holy Mass, who gives Himself to me as Food in Holy Communion. All that God could give, He bestowed on you. Your womb was so pure, so immaculate that it became the Holy of Holies, in which Jesus Christ our Lord, the Eternal High Priest, alone found entrance. I believe the doctrine of the Church concerning your Immaculate Conception, which teaches that at the first moment of your conception you were, by the singular grace and privilege of the omnipotent God, in virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the Human race, preserved from all stains of original sin. Mary, My Mother, may the faithful recitation of the Rosary help me to remember God's love for me in becoming man for my salvation. . God sent Gabriel, one of His glorious archangels, to deliver the most important message in the history of mankind, announcing the coming of the Savior of the world and the selection of you to be His Mother. Though worn with sorrow, you at once took your place at the foot of the cross. You were dressed in your finest clothes and surrounded by your friends as you joined the procession by the light of lamps and the sound of music. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Virgin most pure because you are full of grace. 2. Through your all powerful prayers, obtain for me not only God's forgiveness, but also the grace to amend my life and to save my soul. Feast, August 22Octave of the Assumption (Novena, August 13-21) 1. You are indeed all-powerful in Heaven, but your omnipotence is not one of authority and command, but of intercession. Everything which Jesus may claim in justice is yours by friendship's title. The Holy Spirit gave you the heart of a bride, all burning with a love pure and ardent. This is the very heart of your apostolate. While no gift is bestowed on us by God except in virtue of the Passion and death of your divine Son, the Precious Blood and the sacred wounds of Jesus are presented to God by you. Since you are my Mother, I share in the love you have for your Divine Son. He paid the debt that original sin might not be incurred. Your heart sank each time He fell beneath its weight. Your action is above all one of intercession. The Eternal Father once gave you the most precious treasure that heaven possessedHis own Divine Son. You bore your sorrows bravely because you received them from God's hands. He was pleased to help others for your sake. The Creator, in His goodness, became the Son of His own creature. Jesus could give meafter the gift of Himselfnothing more precious than you. How many afflicted hearts are consoled in you! He took to Himself our human flesh and became man in order that He might give Himself up for us to the death of the cross. Mary, My Mother, yours is a queenship of conquest. You beheld His arms and feet roughly extended on the hard wood of the cross.

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