So, US Continentals and Militia, British, Loyalist (Tory), German, French, Spanish, and Native American forces are represented by their regiment. Among the more fulfilling events on our resume, are the living histories we take part in on the Gettysburg battlefield, Sharpsburg battlefield, Fort Moultrie site, and Appomattox National Historic Park. We all have several things in common, a love of Civil War history and a desire to do things right. The 12th Virginia Infantry American Civil War reenactors dedicated to providing a high degree of authenticity while honoring our ancestors. Using the information from the survey, we create a map of the battlefield, annotating significant landmarks (hills, ravines, large trees, etc) and topography that can be used by the Southern forces during the reenactment battles. This obviously goes without saying also but it's worth noting. The groups provides lectures, school programs and events that are historically based representing the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, Colonial Militia and both World Wars with period dressed interpreters, artifacts and hands on demonstrations to create realistic portrayals of life during those periods. Battle of Mill Creek - Canton, TX. We are pleased to inform all our viewers that "12" important Rhode Island Civil War Veterans and nationally known Pre-Civil War Social-Political Activists were selected. 1st Sergeant's Page. For the latest on the WVRA and its events, see our current newsletter: Through our appearances in historic battle reenactments of all kinds, in living histories, parades and other ceremonies, as well as visits to schools, clubs, and civic groups. Sutlers offering reproductions of Civil War-era merchandise and clothing contribute to an authentic atmosphere. There were at least two volumes describing late 18thC military practice marching order diagrams and music.for fife was included. NO reenactor should be without Militaria -- Get a subscription today. Documents The Third Maryland is a member of a larger organization, The National Regiment. The Burning of the Valleys Military Association is a historical reenactment group that began in 1989. He had a full reference library books, mags and articles to aid in his art work. Duncan's Mills Civil War Days - Duncan's Mills, CA - July 21, 22, & 23, 2023 CHAS & ACWA This event has been CANCELLED due to uncertainty over the repair of Freeze Out Road and access to the site. About Us - NCHRS. But most importantly we enjoy coming together several times each year with our friends and putting on the best infantry impression that contemporary research and resources will allow. Most of us have our roots in airsoft gaming, but have for various reasons moved on to re-enactment/living history. 14. The only prerequisite is that you must have a passion for history to come aboard! Reenactment - Battle of Round Mountain. Sutlers Virginia Volunteer . top of page and also the U.S. 199th Light Infantry Brigade hosted events at the Louisa, Virginia site. Four Canadians attained the rank of general in Union service, and twenty-nine were awarded the Medal of Honor. It is our mission to make sure that southern history and the heritage of the Confederate soldier is preserved and carried on for this and future generations. Civil War reenacting group The unit is dedicated to living history. Each unit has a different function and will provide a much different experience. However, that tradition has come to an unceremonious end. These valiant soldiers fought in many of the bloodiest and most gruesome battles of the Civil War, like Gettysburg and Fredricksburg. | All Rights Reserved. Buy at Newsletters The 46th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry Regiment is a group of men, women and children who are dedicated to the preservation of "true" history and the memory of our ancestors, North and South, who fought and died for what they believed in. The Third Maryland is a Union Infantry reenacting group centralized in Maryland. Login with username, password and session length. The program allows YOU to add your link yourself, unlike the old "add-me form" we had. and K. We are American Civil War reenactors dedicated to providing a high degree of authenticity while honoring our ancestors. Location: East Coast and Mid-Atlantic, USA Better yet!! You can do this by clicking on "Pages" at the top, click on the "+" icon and select "Blog Page". The battery was named after Florida's 5th governor, John Milton, who served from Oct. 7, 1861 to April 1, 1865. Camping And Lodging Along The Blue Ridge Parkway, George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, Micro-Brasseries et Cidreries Artisanales, Spend a History-Packed Weekend in Fredericksburg, Abingdon: Your Gateway to Southwest Virginia, Shenandoah Valley Battlefields National Historic District, New Market Battlefield State Park and Hall of Valor Civil War Museum, American Civil War Center at Historic Tredegar, Pamplin Historical Park & The Museum of the Civil War Soldier, Chancellorsville Battlefield Visitor Center, Sailor's Creek Battlefield Historic State Park. . The Black Horse Cavalry has participated in reenactments throughout Virginia and has been part of the Civil War's sesquicentennial events from South Carolina to New York. The 2nd NJ Brigade is a full reenactment unit offering a family friendly environment for history-buffs, Civil War buffs, and living history enthusiasts who want to make friends, enjoy . The unit is owned by Brig. 3. Our way to offer tribute to these great men of the Civil War is to study . 1st New Hampshire Regiment. 2. We are a battery that actually was formed in Edenton NC in 1862. We participate in a variety of events from Georgia to Pennsylvania including battle reenactments, living histories, and ceremonies. Meetings Required fields are marked *. These Regiments were two of the most renowned fighting units of the American Civil War. They reenact this battle annually now, and the program has expanded enough to offer awards to different members of the group. I. Suggestions? Clothing, food, trenches, and morethis experience is totally immersive to the time period. They do this through parades, public displays, and simulated battles. We may be held in reserve; ready to move at a moments notice to where ever we are needed. . Pamplin Park is located near Petersburg, Virginia and offers highway access off Interstate 85. When the map is complete it is presented to the Southern overall battlefield commander for use in placing artillery, infantry, and lanes of Southern Cavalry attack. The North West Territory Alliance is an American Revolution reenactment group that works primarily out of Illinois, though their events can be found all over the Midwest. They believe it is actually undesirable, let alone impossible, to portray combat accurately in front of the public. First Regiment, West Virginia Cavalry Company 'C' is a family friendly civil war reenactment unit that focuses on Living History, "Mounted" and "Dismounted" Battle Reenactment. Civil War: Uniforms, US and Confederate Armies, c.1895 Giclee Print. Civil War battles in Virginia are frequently scheduled for reenactment for the enjoyment and education of visitors, and the year 2006 marks the 225th anniversary of the Siege of Yorktown, the important Civil War Virginia battle that ended the Revolutionary War. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your Civil War Adventure Camp experience offers a unique hands-on adventure for groups, families, and individuals alike! Visitors can join in military drills related to the Civil War battles in Virginia and learn about the people who signed the Declaration of Independence. We are a laid back group that strives for high authentic standards but is not ?in your face? Civil War reenacting units Confederate Companies: Last update Oct 28, 2020 : added: Alabama Companies : Arkansas Companies: . 1st Foot Guards. Women are not generally found in combat positions, since this was not the practice during WWII; however, Red Army units do have women in combat positions, which is historically accurate. We portray Continental Army troops from the State of Virginia from 1775 through 1783. Though he has passed on, the group continues his work in educating the public about the experience of The Great War. Contact Maj. Jeremy Boothe at (205) 732-2288. . On 28 February and 6 March the Confederate Congress gave the president control over military operations and the power to muster state forces and volunteers. The unit also does a Federal infantry impression as the 42nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Battlefield State Park near Hillsboro, WV the 2nd weekend each October. Both men and women participate in the group. Here are our favorite historical reenactment societies. West Virginia. Canadians in the Civil War. It was the responsibility of the individual states to recruit these men. Historical reenactment groups and living history groups offer an insight into how men and women lived in past times. However, that said, we still play now and then and are very comfortable with this. Naval Landing Party. Bill Scott is the commander of the unit that portrays the Company H, 4th Virginia Cavalry, Black Horse Troop, which keeps a busy annual schedule of events. The Society is clear about its condemnation of neo-Nazism and the fact that the Society only seeks historical accuracy in reenactment. Over a single weekend, the Brigade will work to create historically accurate camps. The 2nd U.S. Cavalry, Co. A/9th Regiment Virginia Cavalry, Co. D is a mounted reenactment and living history group dedicated to portraying U.S. If then, our imitation is a confession, then let us explain the purpose of it; let us delineate the mission of 3rd Platoon/Delta Company/2nd Battalion/5th Cavalry Regiment (3/D/2-5 Airmobile), 1st Cavalry Division, Airmobile (Reenactment). The group will hold a Centenary 100th Anniversary Commemoration on June 30, 2016, at 17:00 hours. Questions? Location: East Coast and Mid-Atlantic, USA. There are several ways but one of the best routes for driving to Virginia Beach from Chicago is v Destination 360 is your friendly travel guide. Regular Cavalry and Confederate troopers during the U.S. Civil War. We also love recreating battles and have made it a quest in our area to switch from long drawn out casualty free battles, to short intense attacks that leave most of us lying on the field screaming in agony, our bodies having been cut down by nasty little pieces of lead. Related topics: American Civil War. It promotes discipline, respect, safety, and family values. The "Confederate Light Guards" (Co. G, 3rd Reg. The Great War Association seeks to recreate the sights and sounds of the 20th centurys most significant conflict. On a 100-acre site near Newville, PA, the GWA has created an accurate representation of the Western Front as it was c. 1917-1918complete with trenches and a bombed-out no-mans land. x 31.5 in. We also have people film our battles and field hospital scenes, and professionally edit them into mini movies that are posted on our webpage. Consisting primarily of two family-friendly units, this unit is set on authenticity. all over the eastern seaboard. 1:30 pm. These awards are recognitions given to individual members of the association, and the group can even provide scholarships. Our cannon is a Vicksburg cannon which of course we named "Miss Vickie". One hundred and fifty luminaries will be placed on the grounds of the Lanier Mansion. ANNUAL REENACTMENTS LISTED BY MONTH. They use period-accurate clothing, weapons, and maneuvers to educate the public on this crucial chapter of American history. Our members come from various parts of the country to include Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C. Our primary mission is the historical preservation of our nation's Civil War history and to honor our ancestors who fought, and died, during . The first big reenactment, of the First Battle of . The 49 th Virginia Infantry is a family oriented Civil War living history and reenactment organization based in Northern Virginia. While headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, our membership encompasses Maryland, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Their goal is to create a totally immersive experience, both for reenactors and audiences. We are accepting new members who wish to reenact, not fight, the Civil War. Lincoln Group of New York Management and Preservation Organizations General Meade Society of Philadelphia . Look below for resources to start your journey. SOLAR's 'Blog Automation' feature automatically pulls content from your blog and displays it on other parts of your site. From the first battle of ironclad ships at Hampton Roads in the east to the adventures of Stonewall Jackson in the west; from the first major battlefield near Manassas in the north to the fight over salt mines in the southwest, Virginia's Civil War experience extended to every corner of the state. Visit Slaughter Pen Farm Living History & Battle Recreation to experience the struggles that took place between December 11-15, 1862 in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Units Your email address will not be published. We also have a first-rate company impression as an early-war militia unit. Welcome to the home of the 47th Virginia Infantry, Co. Organized in 1982, the unit has grown to be one of the largest and most active reenactment groups in Alabama. The Fort McHenry Guard is nationally significant. and the Holte Cabin, a Civil War-era cabin the reenactment group helped reconstruct on the center's grounds. But Muster in the Mountains spans nearly 100 yearsstarting with the French and Indian War and ending with the Mountain Man periodin one three-day weekend. This number increased after the defeats at Vicksburg and Gettysburg. Maryland: 1st Maryland Volunteer Infantry (USA) 7th Maryland Volunteer Infantry (USA) 1st . The Milton Light Artillery, Company A, is a Civil War re-enacting group based on an actual artillery unit that participated in many of Florida's major engagements, including the battles of Ocean Pond (Olustee) and Natural Bridge. The 26th NC served with distinction throughout the war from . Maryland Volunteers, Co. A. Copyright 2023 Third Maryland - All Rights Reserved. 50 th Virginia, Co. D, Wilson Rifles. Thank you for your interest. The 14th is a family-oriented Civil War reenacting group. The recreated First Virginia Regiment is a Revolutionary War living history and reenactment group that was formed in 1975 and is a founding member of the Continental Line. . 162. members. Activates Owl carousel slider, ticker, breadcrumbs and latest posts (e.g., 5. There is a Candlelight Tour of The Horrors of War, as well as a tour of the wounded and first aid station. Our home base is Rose Creek, MN. The U.S. Frontier Brigade. The high-quality battle reenactments put on by this historical reenactment group are open to the public, and are on fields in parks, history centers, and everywhere in between. Situated on the historic Hart Farm at Pamplin Historical Park near Petersburg . The Santiago Campaign Ninth Infantry Re-enactors, C-company, are dedicated to bringing the Spanish-American War to life. The 4th Virginia, Company A ?Wythe Grays? in 1990, but since then it has expanded and formed relationships with other regiments to create a truly memorable and accurate event. Roy J. Zimmerman, Hi there I have just Retired and have set up to do leather sewing with a Industrial sewing machine and was wondering if you ever have the need to have some leather sewing repairs or things made I no there is not a lot of money just looking to make some pocket money and what part of the world are you I Am on Vancover Island Canada thanks Norm. is a progressive Confederate reenactment unit. DestinationsNorth AmericaUnited StatesVirginiaCivil War Reenactments in Virginia. Company I was accepted in state service at Romney, Hampshire County, Virginia, on 18 May, 1861, and was ordered to Harpers Ferry Virginia on the same day. This army, poorly organized when the war began, was soon overshadowed by the volunteer forces known officially as the Provisional Army. Your support helped to put an end to this oversight. We have members in. The West Virginia Reenactors Association is dedicated to the commemoration and preservation of West Virginia's rich Civil War heritage,WW-2 and other historical events and to encouraging the popular hobby of Reenacting within our State. 4 th U.S. Medical Reenactors American Civil War Association (ACWA) Austrian Grey & Blue Reenactment Site Authentic Campaigner California Historical Artillery Society (CHAS) Civil War Reenactors Cleburnes Photo Gallery Through the use of period correct clothing, equipment, and encampments we demonstrate to our viewing public the life and times of the southern soldier. d. FORT POINT NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE LIVING HISTORY DAY AT AN ACTUAL CIVIL WAR FORT Hosted by Co. G, 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry S aturday, February 25, 2023 0900 - 1600 They are based in Pennsylvania, and theyre always looking for new members. 2nd Company, Governors Foot Guard (Connecticut) 2nd Continental Artillery - Savage's Detachment.,,,, A Bit On Virginia's Historical Reenactment Groups, Press & Productions, 2021. By the way I have been a French and Indian war contributor for close to 30 years, so I know personally the dedication we all have. Glimpse 1861-1865 through the eyes of women, African-Americans, soldiers, spies, and children at hundreds of civil war sites around the state. However, we will be working to update links as fast as possible-- soon, ALL the unit links and historical links will be done this way!! Using authentic period equipment, we survey battlefields before the reenactments. 11232 Tidewater Trl, Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States. F Company Overview. They reenact experiences on all sides of the conflict, including the Axis. "The Stafford Guard"! Muster in the Mountains | White Mountains, New Hampshire. Inf.) The Stonewall Brigade is an authentic living history association concentrated in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania dedicated to accurately portraying the common soldier of the Civil War. There is a Candlelight Tour of The Horrors of War, as well as a tour of the wounded and first aid station. We had to include them on our list because of their dedication to authenticity and providing the public with an accurate depiction of the War of 1812. We are a highly authentic unit. The Third Maryland is a Union Infantry reenacting group centralized in Maryland. St., Madison, IN. * Militaria IS a French language magazine, however, I have never had any trouble with it -- especially with Alta-Vista's translation website handy at all times ;-), Login with username, password and session length. Special Events Calendar. We may execute a flank march and pour a deadly volley into the Union flank. Civil War Battles: Sat. The 59-acre Hart Farm and the 1859 Hart House opened to the public for daily touring in 2004. The Brigade of the American Revolution represents all the different groups of soldiers that fought in the American Revolution. William Crawford Smith Flagbearer of the 12th Virginia Infantry . At the end of the war 174,223 men surrendered to the Union Army. It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Calendar of Events Impressions include Federal and Confederate Infantries in all theaters of the war. Weve broken this list down by historical period, and weve numbered the societies to make this easy to read. The National Civil War Association is dedicated to keeping history alive by living it! The NCWA reenacts the famous battles of the Eastern Front, as well as the lesser-known conflict in the Pacific Theater, which was instrumental in directing the development of California. FAQ On 3 June, 1861, the First helped win a federal victory in the first land battle of the Civil War at Philippi, (West) Virginia. These societies often focus on war reenactment, providing members (and sometimes the public) a glimpse into what life was like during the conflicts that shaped history. American Civil War History. Contact: Ryan Rentschler at, 18th Surgical Hospital (Womens Army Nursing Corps), Location: Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Militaria Magazine -- One of the very best publications World-WIDE, Militaria specializes in Militaria! Civil War Reenacting is an exciting hobby for the armchair historian, student or serious Civil War enthusiast. Five regional programs fill in the gaps between the National Parks and highlight some of the less-known but no less interesting stories Virginia has to offer. Highlights are Stonewall Jackson's famous1862 Valley Campaignand the final Union campaigns in 1864. Welcome. COMPANY HISTORY. Also see Civil War Traveler for a comprehensive list of Civil War reenactments, commemorations, and other events taking place throughout the U.S. in 2014 and 2015. The 9th Reenactment Society portrays the 9. Fort Pocahontas is open to the public for this event from 10am to 4pm on . For that matter, you can update links too. For travelers visiting Virginia in the summer who are interested in viewing a Civil War reenactment, try the Civil War Weekend at Pamplin Historical Park, the largest even put on each June at Pamplin. Top, how to get to arlington cemetery from white house. They are always looking for new members. . Members of the WVRA portray , not only, the appearance and manners of typical citizens and soldiers of Western Virginia, both Union and Confederate, but also . We hope you are able to find a good home for these historical items! Film Makers. In pursuit of this goal, the Third Maryland participates yearly in a number of battle reenactments, educational forums, and living history demonstrations. No one will be turned down on the basis of sex, religion, race or political views. 9 Dec - 11 Dec. Past event. The Confederacy faced serious challenges outfitting its troops and planning a vast military campaign throughout the Civil War. There are arms book, knives, and over 70 hardbound reference books. Jun 10-11 MI, Chesterfield. Most reenactments relive the events of one or two days in history. 21st Virginia, F Company, inc., is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501 (c)3 , living history, educational and Civil War re-enactment organization. Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center . We have chose to portray the 1st South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Co H for Eastern theater and the 10th South Carolina in the Western theater. Uncle Sam needs you sign up today! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. We strive to present an authentic, research-based impression of the individual soldiers of the Civil War to serve as an educational resource for the public, to preserve and interpret history, and to honor the . When looking through our list of reenactment groups, be sure to really think about what is important to you. Copyright Recollections | All Rights Reserved, I. American Revolutionary War Reenactment Societies, V. Spanish-American War Reenactment Societies, The Burning of the Valleys Military Association. Waffen SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen, a German Panzer division from World War II. The new 19th Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A, Inc., is a non-profit, tax-exempt, living history and Civil War reenactment organization with Head Quarters in Huntsville, Alabama. At Recollections, were passionate about historical reenactment and historical accuracy. In early 2010 the 9th Virginia Cavalry celebrated its 21st . The 9th attends both nationwide reenactments, as well as local historical preservation society and museum events. Was wondering if you know any budding authors or artists that might be interested in buying the whole collection. Then drilled maneuvers and tactical demonstrations are put on so that those who attend the event can get a good sense of what military life during the 18th century was like. Declaration of Independence by John Trumbull. family and friends then you will love reenacting. Go ahead and ask! New members can use loaner equipment until they find their own. We also have members in the Dallas, TX area and in Tallahassee, FL. Re-Enactor Links. Battle for the Texas Hospital - Quitman, MS. Battle of Aiken - Aiken, SC. We are deep in history and strive to keep it alive. Concertizing in 11 states from the Potomac to the Mississippi, the 37th GVI's distinctive military brass band, fife-and-drum corps, and songsters have appeared in two award-winning movies (Glory and The Rose and the Jackal), and have made soundtracks for 7 video documentaries (The Battle of Atlanta; Bitter April: Lee's Retreat; The Battle of Ft. Pillow; History & Literature of the South; Black Confederates: The Forgotten Men in Gray; The Battle of Shiloh; and The Battle of Chickamauga). Equipment We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit group of volunteers dedicated to commemorating the American Civil War through accurate, educational living history. The group consists of soldiers who portray the Musket Company, Artillery Crew, as well as civilians who followed and supported the Army. At Virginias Yorktown, Civil War reenactment is almost as thrilling as experiencing the real thing. The 1st North Carolina Cavalry Regiment/6th and 2nd United States Cavalry Regiment is a Civil War Reenactment Organization of men, women and children who are dedicated to reenacting, in a historically accurate manner, the "American Civil War". The Second Regiment Kentucky Infantry, Orphan Brigade, Inc., is a fully tax-exempt and non-profit organization consisting of persons portraying military and civilian personages of the Civil War era who are dedicated to the cause of preserving battlefield and other sites significant to the Civil War; to a historically correct interpretation of said era through participation in public reenactments and living history events; and to the commemoration of all the heroic sacrifices endured by the combatants, as well as by non-combatants,respectively sympathetic to either the interest of the individual States, the Confederate States of America, or the United States of America.
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